My 3 Income Streams as a Student

How to make money while studying

Aamer Seth
4 min readMay 11, 2022
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

As a student, one of the biggest stresses is money. No matter what, you can never have enough and things just get more and more expensive somehow. All of a sudden, you are not living with parents and all of these new expenses are introduced.

Along with everything else about becoming a student, you have to learn how to budget, spend responsibility, and earn money as well. Ideally, you will make enough to sustain a lifestyle that includes taking care of your expenses as well as going out and having a social life.

During my time at University, I had a few streams of income to help me get by. The way that I like to put it is I had one active income, one passive income, and one hobby income.

Active Income

An Active income is one where you are spending the time and energy, and getting compensated in return. So, in my case as a student, I had a couple of Part-Time Retail jobs during the four years that I was in University. This was easily the largest source of income, and this is where I made most of my money.

Retail jobs seem to be the easiest ones to manage while in school since they do not take up any, or very little energy while outside of the workplace. Your mind is not really often occupied with…



Aamer Seth

A young University student very curious about many things and here to share his thinking. Interested in Photography, Technology and sharing stories.